§ 1. Name
Association of Bodynamic Psychology (the “ABP”)
The association resides at Bodynamic International, Ådalsparkvej 9, st. mf., 2990 Hørsholm, CVR. Nr. 40879943. The association is politically independent.
§ 2. Purpose / Goal
2.1 The ABP was founded on 3rd September 2019 in Hoersholm, Denmark. It is a non-profit organization that aims to enhance human rights, dignity, mutuality and conflict resolution skills through body psychology and aims to bring this knowledge into the world.
2.2 The ABP will promote the quality to incorporate the body to create a more balanced state of mind. (Body, Mind and Spirit).
2.3 The ABP will seek to promote for the benefit of the public the relief of involuntary emotional suffering, the prevention of mental illness and disorder and the improvement of quality of life and well-being.
2.4 The ABP is a professional body that organizes individual Bodynamic-oriented therapists of different orientations around the world and that aims to promote high standards of ethics, training and education for the benefit of the general public.
2.5 The ABP also publishes a Statement of Ethical Principles (the “Ethical Principles”) and requires that all Bodynamic Teachers, Bodynamic Coordinators and other Individual Members of the ABP conform to this.
2.6 The ABP promotes collaboration and exchange of ideas with other psychotherapy organizations, encourages contact with related services, and supports practical and relevant research.
§ 3 Means to realize the purpose of the ABP
The purpose of the association should be realized through idealistic and material means. Idealistic means could include lectures, meetings, research, publication of a journal (the “International Journal of Bodynamic Psychology”) and a library. Material means could include admission fees, annual membership fees and contributions, conference fees and other proceeds.
§ 4 Membership
4.1 Individual Members: The association is comprised of Individual Members.
4.1.1 Individual Members must have 6 years of working experience in the care system or an academic degree or equivalent or have completed training as a Practitioner in the Bodynamic System or be a student in the Bodynamic System. Bodynamic coordinators and teachers around the world that have signed license agreements with Bodynamic International ApS or its affiliates and who are therefore authorized to coordinate or teach trainings in the Bodynamic System can also become Individual Members.
4.1.2 Being an Individual Member requires the payment of annual membership fees.
4.2 Honorary Positions: The Governing Board can recommend people for honorary positions. These need to be ratified at a General Meeting.
4.2.1Honorary members shall be persons who have been significantly involved with the ABP or Bodynamic International ApS, recommended by the Governing Board.
4.2.2 People in honorary positions do not pay membership fees.
4.3 Supportive Members: Shall be persons who of personal effort and/or financial support promote the interest of ABP. The Governing Board will appoint supportive members.
4.4 Membership relationship with the ABP: Only individuals that are members of ABP in good standing can claim a membership relationship with ABP. Only ABP members in good standing are allowed to use the name and logo of the ABP on their webpage, professional stationary, business cards, etc., with the approval of the General Secretary
Termination of Membership
4.5 Individual membership will be cancelled by one’s own free will or by death. Any member can withdraw from the ABP at any time without mentioning any reason. The membership fee has to be paid fully for the running calendar year of the withdrawal. The resigning member has a legal claim to all statutory services of the ABP until the end of the running calendar year.
4.6 If the member is in arrears with paying its membership fee for 9 months and has received an invoice and two reminders, their membership can be withdrawn automatically with immediate effect. The General Secretary will inform the member in writing.
Suspension and Exclusion of Membership
4.7 Reasons for temporary suspension of membership are: no longer meeting the requirements for ABP membership; failure to pay the membership fees; recommendation of temporary suspension by the Ethics Committee of the ABP; suspension or exclusion from other professional organizations due to violations of their own ethical guidelines or professional code.
Reasons for permanent exclusion of membership are: where members that have been declared to have acted against the interest of the ABP or contrary to the Ethical Principles, as determined by the Governing Board.
4.8 In case of not meeting any more the requirements for ABP membership, or in case of acting against the interests of the ABP or contrary to the Ethical Principles, or any other complaint about a member, the complaint shall be made in writing to the Chairman. The Chairman shall send the issues to the Ethics Committee, that then reports to the Governing Board. If the Governing Board comes to the decision that the complaint is legitimate, it will require the member in question either to fulfil the requirements of the Governing Board or to withdraw from the ABP. The membership can be suspended or excluded by a 2/3 decision of the Governing Board. A suspended or excluded member has the right of appeal to the next General Meeting.
4.9 Suspended or excluded members are not allowed to claim a membership relationship with ABP (as specified in Art. 4.4). Excluded members may be allowed to apply for membership again after removal of the matter of exclusion and according to conditions decided by the Governing Board
§ 5 The General Meeting
The General Meeting (the “GM”) will indicate the basic direction of the ABP and is its supreme legislative and governing body. It takes place in the form of the Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) and Extraordinary General Meeting (the “EGM”).
5.1 The General Meeting (GM) will settle all periodical business, in particular:
• Appointment of tellers and moderator for the GM.
• Setting the final agenda of the GM according to Article 5.5 and 5.6.
• The annual reports from the Chairman, the General Secretary, the Registrar, and any other elected or appointed Officer of the ABP
• The annual reports from committees
• Adoption of the annual accounts and the budget for the following year
• The level of membership fees on proposal of the Governing Board and any other fees
• Election of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary, the Treasurer and other members of the Governing Board
• Election of two auditors
• Decision of all proposals presented by the Governing Board, or Individual Members
• All other decisions mentioned in these statutes
5.2 The GM will be chaired by the moderator, as appointed by the GM.
5.3 The final agenda will be voted on by the GM. Only items included in agenda proposed by the Governing Board and additional items proposed in writing by Individual Members may be voted upon at the meeting. Additional items may be discussed and voted upon at the discretion of the Chairman or in his absence the Vice Chairman.
5.4 In special matters a postal vote may be authorized by the GM allowing the entire membership two months minimum after reception of the related documents with the relevant part of the minutes of the GM as approved by the Governing Board. A postal vote can only be allowed on matters where simple majority is required.
5.5 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place at least once per calendar year. The Governing Board sets the date of the AGM and proposes an agenda for the AGM. The invitation and a proposed agenda of the AGM, must be sent out under responsibility of the Chairman not later than four weeks before the AGM (date of postmark or e-mail). Individual Members can propose agenda items and motions for the AGM; written proposals must be sent to the Chairman not less than two weeks in advance of the date of the AGM (date of postmark or e-mail); such duly received proposals need to be considered in the final proposed agenda.
5.6 The Governing Board may call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) at any time, by decision of 2/3 majorities of its members present. The Governing Board shall also call an Extraordinary General Meeting if it receives a request to do so from 15% of the Individual Members of the ABP. The Chairman will call the Extraordinary General Meeting within 12 weeks after receiving sufficient member requests. The agenda and supporting documentation shall be sent to all members at least two weeks before the EGM (date of postmark or e-mail).
5.7 A General Meeting (AGM or EGM) will be recognized whenever it has been convened in accordance with the Statutes.
5.8 Details of the General Meeting (GM)
5.8.1 Quorum: A quorum of the GM will be recognized whenever it has been convened in accordance with the statutes when at least half of the Individual Members are present. If this number is not present within 30 minutes after the time designated for the opening of the session, the GM starts with the Individual Members present with the same agenda out of regard for the members present.
5.8.2 Voting: Votes shall be on a majority basis unless otherwise stated in the Statutes. The chair should ask what points on the agenda should be voted on by ballot. If the number of the abstentions together with the no votes is more than the votes In favor, the motion is dismissed. In case of a tie, the Chairman shall declare the motion lost.
5.8.3 Election: Elections will be decided be on the basis of absolute majority (more than 50%) on the first ballot, and, if this is not achieved, of a relative majority (the highest number of votes) on any further ballot.
5.8.4 Should the Meeting so decide, a secret ballot will be organized for elections or votes.
5.8.5 The removal of an ABP Board Member will be put on the agenda as a separate item. The assembly will decide by a single majority vote.
5.9 Only a General Meeting can vote out of function or out of appointment elected or appointed Officers that have been elected or appointed by the General Meeting.
5.10 The minutes of the General Meeting are the responsibility of the General Secretary and will be circulated no later than one month after the General Meeting.
5.11 The General Meeting is empowered to decide the winding up of the ABP. This will require a two-thirds majority of the votes cast. Following such decision any money, goods or property owned by the ABP shall, after satisfaction of all proper debts and liabilities, be transferred to the Bodynamic International ApS.
§ 6 Voting Rights and Procedures
6.1 Any Member in good standing has access to participate in and take the floor at the General Meeting. The auditors, as well as persons invited by the Governing Board, also have the opportunity to participate in and take the floor at the General Meeting.
6.2 Each Individual Member present has voting right.
§ 7 The Governing Board
7.1 The Governing Board shall be made up of the following persons:
7.1.1 Board Members are Officers (the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Treasurer, the General Secretary) and up to five additional members
7.1.2 Each Board Members (and/or their Deputy, see 7.2.6) must be an Individual Member of the ABP in good standing.
7.1.3 The Board Members are appointed for an initial two-year period and may be re-appointed every 2 years, or until their successors are appointed.
7.2 Governance and Duties of the Governing Board
7.2.1 The Governing Board will be chaired by the Chairman, or in his absence the Vice Chairman.
7.2.2 The Chairman, as chair of the Governing Board, is responsible for the board meetings, the business, the continuity, and the coordination of the Governing Board.
7.2.3 A quorum of the Governing Board shall be one third of the Board Members who are represented in person. If there is not a quorum, any decisions must be referred to the next Board meeting.
7.2.4 The Governing Board shall carry out the decisions and policies of the ABP. During the financial year and between Annual General Meetings (AGM), the Governing Board shall have the power to manage the activities of the ABP, not specifically attributed to another organ by these statutes.
7.2.5 The Governing Board can appoint additional officers (“Appointed Officers”) as deemed appropriate. These shall include, at least an External Relations Officer and a Registrar. Appointed Officers are invited as Guests without voting rights in the meetings of the Governing Board.
7.2.6 The Governing Board can appoint a Deputy or an Assistant to any Officer, other than the Chairman. Deputies and Assistants are invited as guests without voting rights in the meetings of the Governing Board. The Governing Board can also invite guests to participate in its meetings.
7.2.7 Any officer wishing to resign shall give the Governing Board advance notice. The Governing Board can invite nominations for the vacant position.
7.2.8 Any Appointed Officer, Deputy or Assistant to any Officer can be voted out of such appointment by the Governing Board.
7.2.9 Only Board Members as elected by the GM have voting rights in the meeting of the Governing Board. All decisions of the Governing Board shall be determined on the basis of one vote per member of the Governing Board and by simple majority of the votes cast. An abstention from voting is not a vote and does not count. In case the there is an equal number of votes in favor and against a motion, the motion is deemed to have been dismissed.
7.2.10 The Governing Board will adopt and issue standing orders and/or rules of procedure which shall be subject to review at the AGM and which shall be consistent with the provision of the Statutes of the ABP.
7.2.11 The Governing Board shall present a statement of the annual accounts to the AGM, signed by the Chairman. At least 2 weeks before the AGM, the accounts, any written reports, the budget of the next financial year, any proposals for changes to the annual membership fee(s) and any proposals for changes to the statutes must be circulated (by e-mail or ordinary mail) to members of the Governing Board, subject to its approval, for voting at the AGM.
7.2.12 The administration office supports and carries out the tasks on behalf of the Chairman and of the Governing Board (the latter through the General Secretary) and fulfils all administrative affairs. The General Secretary guides the office in accordance with the directives from the Governing Board and the Chairman
7.3 Committees
7.3.1 The Governing Board may appoint the following Committees:
• Membership Committee. The purpose and function of the membership committee is to coordinate and oversee ongoing communications with existing ABP members, to promote the addition of new members through a variety of forms, coordinating and advertising workshops, webinars, moderation of the online forum, and the dissemination of written or recorded materials either online or in person as the case may be as an incentive for members to join.
• Conference committee. The purpose and function of the conference committee is to organize, coordinate, schedule and administer ABP annual or bi-annual conferences.
• Ethics Committee. The Ethics Committee overseas the further development of the Ethical Guidelines consistent with best practices in the field. The Ethics Committee will oversee all ethical complaints raised against members according to the Ethical Guidelines and works with the Governing Board to resolve these complaints (compare Art. 4.7 and 4.8)
• Professional Development. The Professional Development Committee will coordinate the dissemination of written and oral materials, including workshops, seminars, or webinars or other online platform, that provide tools for members to enhance, develop, and grow their Bodynamic practice
• Scientific Research. The Scientific Research Committee will collect, archive, and organize materials scientific in nature that pertain to Bodynamic as well as promote new scientific research that further establishes, validates, or refines the empirical basis for the Bodynamic models and the therapeutic and pedagogical interventions associated therewith. Additionally, the Scientific Research Committee will oversee publication of a journal and library of the ABP (compare Art 3).
7.3.2 The Chairs of Committees (except Ethics Committee) will be drawn from the membership of that Committee, and nominated by the Committee to the Governing Board, which will vote on such nominations.
7.3.3 The Ethics Committee consists of a chairman and min. 2 additional members, all of whom are elected at the General Meeting. The members are elected for two years and maybe reelected thereafter..
7.3.4 Proposals for election to the ethics committee are submitted to the Board of Directors no later than one month before the General Meeting. The Board of Directors may itself propose elections to the committee. The Board of Directors ensures that the submitted proposals meet the conditions set out in the articles of association and endorses the proposed proposal as “approved” or “not approved”. Only approved candidates will be voted on at the General Meeting.
7.3.5 The Ethics committee follow the Ethical Principles.
7.3.6 The Governing Board may make exceptions to the provisions of Articles 7.3.1-4.
7.3.7 The Governing Board may create other committees, working parties or other groupings as are needed. All committees receive their tasks in writing from the Governing Board and report to the Governing Board.
§ 8 Register
8.1 The Governing Board establishes a World Wide Register of ABP Accredited therapists and supervisors.
8.2 As a task of the Governing Board, the Registrar, carries out the responsibilities of registration.
§ 9 The Auditors
9.1 The auditors will examine all the financial affairs of the ABP, including the annual financial statements, and will present their written report in person to the General Meeting.
The auditors will have no other official function within the ABP
§ 10 Financial Means
10.1 The ABP may have the following as income sources in accordance with its non-profit status:
a) Annual membership fees
b) Certification fees
c) Conference, lectures and meeting fees
d) Contributions
e) Sales from publications
f) Donations
g) Interests
h) Any other lawful income as approved by the Governing Board of ABP.
10.2 The financial year is the calendar year.
10.3 In financial matters the Treasurer or the General Secretary together with the Chairman or in his absence the Vice Chairman are authorized to sign. On order of the Chairman the Treasurer can sign up to the amount authorized by the Governing Board.
The Treasurer, will supervise the finances, bank affairs, the payments and the bookkeeping.
§ 11. Liability
Only the Association’s assets will guarantee debts and liabilities incurred by ABP.
§ 12. Amending these Statutes
12.1 Amending these Statutes can be done from a proposition from any Individual Member or the Governing Board. Any such proposals received up to 3 weeks before the General Meeting shall be discussed by the Governing Board.
12.2 The proposition for changes of the Statutes must be announced and proposed for the agenda of the General Meeting by the Governing Board, at least two weeks before the General Meeting.
12.3 Only a General Meeting can make changes to the Statutes of ABP. These will require a two-thirds majority of the votes cast.
Statues approved at 2nd General Meeting d. 2/9/2020
Statutes amended at 4th General Meeting 15/10/2022